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Can I use solar panels to power a heat pump?

Can I use solar panels to power a heat pump?

Solar energy and heat pumps are both popular options for environmentally friendly home solutions. But can you combine the two? Read on to learn more about combining these systems.

Can you run a heat pump with solar?

Yes, you can combine a heat pump heating system with solar panels. This pairing allows you to meet your heating and hot water needs while being environmentally friendly. Depending on the size of the solar array, it’s possible for the panels to produce the electricity needed to run a heat pump.

This combo is popular for homeowners looking to reduce energy bills and reliance on the grid, while reducing their carbon footprint.

The key advantage is that it allows you to generate your own electricity. Through this, you can use renewable energy to provide your home with heating and hot water.

Although it's possible to use a heat pump with solar panels, there are some factors to consider. For example, the size of your solar panel system needs to be large enough to generate enough electricity.

You’ll also need a suitable storage system for any excess electricity generated. This can include solar batteries, which can be expensive to purchase and maintain.

How many solar panels does it take to power a heat pump?

This can also depend on the type of heat pump, as well as the panels. Generally speaking, a 5kW solar array is enough to power an average-sized home’s heat pump.

The exact number of solar panels will depend on the efficiency of the system and the pump's wattage. As a general rule, you can calculate the panels needed by dividing the total wattage of your heat pump by the wattage of each panel.

Is my property suitable?

Before any decision is made, you'll need to assess your property to determine if it's suitable. While many properties can support both heat pumps and solar panels, some may not be suitable due to lack of space or sunlight exposure.

You should consider:

  • Size of the property - panels need to be installed on a roof or in a garden. If the property is too small, there might not be enough space for both a panel system and a heat pump.
  • Sunlight –  You’ll need enough sunlight exposure throughout the year to power the pump. If your property is in an area with a lot of shade, you may need to look for alternative methods.
  • Budget – Make sure you’ve considered all the costs involved, including installation, maintenance, and any additional expenses.

Get in touch today

Unitherm Heating Systems are your one-stop-show for renewable heating systems. We can help you determine if your property is suitable for both systems.

Contact Unitherm with any questions you may have about installing a renewable heating system on your home or business premises. Feel free to reach out to us by calling 01392 979450 or emailing us at We'd love to hear about your project and provide guidance.

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